Methodological toolkit as a necessary element of forming professional and communicative competence of cadets – future interal affairs officers

  • Ludmila A. Ryabtseva Mogilev Institute of the MIA of the Republic of Belarus, 67 Krupskai Street, Magiliow 212011, Belarus


In the article the author actualises the problem of developing professional and communicative competence (PCC) of cadets as a future interal affairs officers, emphasising that the presence of the designated competence is a characteristic of an employee capable of defending the interests of society and the state, ensuring the safety of their life. It is proposed to form a cadet’s PCC using the discipline «Criminal law», using methodological tools, the selection of which was made taking into account the essence of the component composition of the PCC. In this regard, the author characterises the specifics of using each individual unit of methodological tools.

Author Biography

Ludmila A. Ryabtseva, Mogilev Institute of the MIA of the Republic of Belarus, 67 Krupskai Street, Magiliow 212011, Belarus

senior lecturer at the department of criminal law, criminal procedure, criminology



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Keywords: cadet at the university of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, professional and communicative competence, components of professional and communicative competence, formation methodology, methodological tools
Methodics and Modern Educational Technologies