U. K. Stukalich – literary critic, historian, local history specialist of the 19th century: linguistic heritage


Biographical information about the literary critic, historian, and local history specialist of the 19th century, U. K. Stukalich, is provided. His views on the formation of Belarusian national and socio-cultural identity are examined. Linguistic heritage of U. K. Stukalich, opinions regarding the past of the Belarusian language and prospects for its development, as well as his remarks and comments on the linguistic research of his linguist contemporaries, are analysed.

Author Biography

Iryna A. Gaponenko, Belarusian State University, 4 Niezaliezhnasci Avenue, Minsk 220030, Belarus

doctor of science (philology), full professor; professor at the department of Belarusian linguistics, faculty of philology


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Keywords: U. K. Stukalich, historical and regional studies, Belarusian national identity, linguistic heritage, linguistic studies of the 19th century
Supporting Agencies The article was supported by the state programme of scientific research «Society and human security of the Belarusian state» for 2021–2025 (the subprogramme «Belarusian language and literature», task 6.1.06 «Historical patterns of the development of the Belarusian language: lexical and phraseological composition, grammatical structure, word formation», project «Belarusian language written heritage of the 18th century in the context of linguistic continuity», state registration No. 20211516).
How to Cite
Gaponenko I. A. U. K. Stukalich – literary critic, historian, local history specialist of the 19th century: linguistic heritage // Journal of the Belarusian State University. Philology. 2023. 2. PP. 45-55.