Artistic literature and its role in the natiogenesis: the main vectors of the research of the department of foreign literature in 2021–2025

  • Hanna M. Butyrchyk Belarusian State University, 4 Niezaliezhnasci Avenue, Minsk 220030, Belarus


The main vectors of the research work at the department of foreign literature of the faculty of philology of the Belarusian State University are considered. Based on the theories of Bhabha (nation as narration), Anderson (nation as an imagined community), Hübner (nation as an mythical substance), Hobsbawm (invention of tradition), Toynbee (narrative history) and taking into consideration the main approaches of Herman, Brokmeier, Kharre to narrative in literary studies the definition of national narrative was suggested. The vectors of the multidimensional analysis of national narrative through fiction were delineated. The specific role of context was designated.

Author Biography

Hanna M. Butyrchyk, Belarusian State University, 4 Niezaliezhnasci Avenue, Minsk 220030, Belarus

PhD (philology), docent; head of the department of foreign literature, faculty of philology


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  6. Anderson B. Imagined communities. Reflections on the origin and spread of nationalism. London: Verso; 2006. 240 p.
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  9. Toynbee AJ. Mankind and mother Earth. Narrative history of the world. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 1976. 670 р.
  10. Hübner K. Istina mifa [The truth of myth]. Kasavin IT, translator. Moscow: Respublika; 1996. 448 p. Russian.
  11. Hübner K. Natsiya: ot zabveniya k vozrozhdeniyu [Nation: from oblivion to rebirth]. Antonovskii AYu, translator; Kasavin IT, editor. Moscow: Kanon+; 2001. 399 p. Russian.
  12. Gutner GB. National narrative and national responsibility. Ethical Thought. 2017;17(1):94–109. Russian. DOI: 10.21146/2074- 4870-2017-17-1-94-109.
  13. Hobsbawm EJ, Ranger TO, editors. The invention of tradition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 1983. 240 р.
  14. Hobsbawm E. [The invention of tradition]. Panarin S, translator. Acta Eurasica. 2000;1:47–62. Russian. EDN: HYZEGX.
  15. Herman D. Basic elements of narrative. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell; 2009. 272 p.
  16. Brokmeier I, Kharre R. [Narrative: the challenges and promises of one alternative paradigm]. Voprosy filosofii. 2000;3:29–42. Russian.
Keywords: Belarusian literature, foreign literature, context, national narrative, mythologisation, discourse practices, comparative studies, literary criticism, department of foreign literature
How to Cite
Butyrchyk H. M. Artistic literature and its role in the natiogenesis: the main vectors of the research of the department of foreign literature in 2021–2025 // Journal of the Belarusian State University. Philology. 2024. 3. PP. 37-44.