Основные направления изучения биографии и творчества М. М. Бахтина: к проблеме научного наследия
Рассмотрена проблема изучения научного наследия М. М. Бахтина. Выявлены важные направления трудов бахтиноведов и ученых, анализирующих биографию, научно-педагогическую деятельность и философско-культурологические взгляды русского мыслителя. Исследованы основные аспекты жизни, деятельности и творчества М. М. Бахтина, которые отражены в трудах представителей каждого направления. Показано разнообразие подходов в изучении и интерпретации идей философа на пути к поискам оснований, позволяющих постигнуть все глубины его творчества. Определены главные проблемы, возникающие при исследовании биографии и творческого наследия мыслителя.
- Isupov KG. [From the aesthetics of life to the aesthetics of history (traditions of Russian philosophy by M. M. Bakhtin)]. In: Gogotishvili LA, Gurevich PS, editors. M. M. Bakhtin kak filosof [M. M. Bakhtin as a philosopher]. Moscow: Nauka; 1992. p. 68–82. Russian.
- Gurevich PS. [The problem of the Other in philosophical anthropology M. M. Bakhtin]. In: Gogotishvili LA, Gurevich PS, editors. M. M. Bakhtin kak filosof [M. M. Bakhtin as a philosopher]. Moscow: Nauka; 1992. p. 83–96. Russian.
- Bonetskaya NK. Russkii ekzistentsializm [Russian existentialism]. Saint Petersburg: Aleteiya; 2021. 670 p. Russian.
- Zinovieva АА. The problem of the Different in philosophy of M. M. Bakhtin. Izvestiya Tul’skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Gumanitarnye nauki. 2011;1:13–22. Russian.
- Clark К, Holquist M. [Architectonics of responsibility]. In: Isupov KG, compiler. Mikhail Bakhtin: pro et contra. Tom II. Tvorchestvo i nasledie M. M. Bakhtina v kontekste mirovoi kul’tury [Mikhail Bakhtin: pro et contra. Volume II. M. M. Bakhtin’s creativity and legacy in the context of world culture]. Saint Petersburg: Izdatel’stvo Russkogo Khristianskogo gumanitarnogo instituta; 2002. р. 37–71. Russian.
- Stolovich LN. [Bakhtin and the problem of value]. In: Eremeev AF, editor. M. M. Bakhtin: esteticheskoe nasledie i sovremennost’ [M. M. Bakhtin: aesthetic heritage and modernity]. Saransk: Izdatel’stvo Mordovskogo universiteta; 1992. p. 121−133. Russian.
- Gunther H. [M. Bakhtin and «the birth of tragedy» by F. Nietzsche]. Dialog. Karnaval. Khronotop. 1992;1:27–34. Russian.
- Gasparov ML. [M. M. Bakhtin in the Russian culture of the 20th century]. In: Isupov KG, compiler. Mikhail Bakhtin: pro et contra. Tom II. Tvorchestvo i nasledie M. M. Bakhtina v kontekste mirovoi kul’tury [Mikhail Bakhtin: pro et contra. Volume II. M. M. Bakhtin’s creativity and legacy in the context of world culture]. Saint Petersburg: Izdatel’stvo Russkogo Khristianskogo gumanitarnogo instituta; 2002. р. 33–36. Russian.
- Gogotishvili LA. [M. M. Bakhtin’s philosophy of language and the problem of value relativism]. In: Gogotishvili LA, Gurevich PS, editors. M. M. Bakhtin kak filosof [M. M. Bakhtin as a philosopher]. Moscow: Nauka; 1992. p. 142–174. Russian.
- Bonetskaya NK. Bakhtin glazami metafisika [Bakhtin through the eyes of a metaphysician]. Moscow: Tsentr gumanitarhykh initsiatsiv; 2016. 560 p. Russian.
- Clark К, Holquist M. Mikhail Bakhtin. Cambridge: Belknap Press; 1984. 398 p.
- Konkin SS, Konkina LS. Mikhail Bakhtin: stranitsy zhizni i tvorchestva [Mikhail Bakhtin: pages of life and work]. Saransk: Mordovskoe knizhnoe izdatel’stvo; 1993. 400 р. Russian.
- Pan’kov NA. Voprosy biografii i nauchnogo tvorchestva M. M. Bakhtina [Questions of biography and scientific creativity of M. M. Bakhtin]. Moscow: Publishing House of the Lomonosov Moscow State University; 2009. 720 p. Russian.
- Klyueva IV, Lisunova LM. M. M. Bakhtin – myslitel’, pedagog, chelovek [M. M. Bakhtin – thinker, teacher, personality]. Saransk: Krasnyi Oktyabr’; 2010. 468 p. Russian.
- Vasil’ev NL. M. M. Bakhtin i fenomen «kruga Bakhtina». V poiskakh utrachennogo vremeni. Rekonstruktsii i dekonstruktsii. Kvadratura kruga [M. M. Bakhtin and the phenomenon of the «Bakhtin circle». In search of lost time. Reconstruction and deconstruction. Squaring the circle]. Moscow: Librokom; 2013. 408 р. Russian.
- Popova IL. Kniga M. M. Bakhtina o Fransua Rable i ee znachenie dlya teorii literatury [M. M. Bakhtin’s book about Francois Rabelais and its significance for the theory of literature]. Moscow: Institute of World Literature named after A. M. Gorky of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 2009. 463 p. Russian.
- Korovashko AV. Mikhail Bakhtin [Mikhail Bakhtin]. Moscow: Molodaya gvardiya; 2017. 452 p. (Zhizn’ zamechatel’nykh lyudei). Russian.
- Orekhov BV, editor. Chronotope and environs: festschrift for Nikolay Pan’kov. Ufa: Vagant; 2011. 388 p. Russian, English.
- Bonetskaya NK. [M. Bakhtin in the 20s]. In: Isupov KG, compiler. Mikhail Bakhtin: pro et contra. Tom II. Tvorchestvo i nasledie M. M. Bakhtina v kontekste mirovoi kul’tury [Mikhail Bakhtin: pro et contra. Volume II. M. M. Bakhtin’s creativity and legacy in the context of world culture]. Saint Petersburg: Izdatel’stvo Russkogo Khristianskogo gumanitarnogo instituta; 2002. р. 132–201. Russian.
- Zinov’ev IV. [The theory of subject-object relations by A. I. Vvedensky: from Kant to dialogism]. Srednerusskii vestnik obshchestvennykh nauk. 2008;4:7–12. Russian.
- Zarubin AG. M. M. Bakhtin and existentialism (the problem of time) [Internet]. 2008 [cited 2023 January 15]. Available from: http://www.chronos.msu.ru/old/biographies/zarubin_bachtin.htm. Russian.
- Davydov YuN. [«The tragedy of culture» and the responsibility of the individual (G. Simmel and M. M. Bakhtin)]. Voprosy literatury. 1997;4:91–125. Russian.
- Popova IL. [«Lexical сarnival» by Francois Rabelais: M. M. Bakhtin’s book and Franco-German methodological disputes of the 1910–1920s]. Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie. 2006;79:86–100. Russian.
- Mahlin VL. Bol’shoe vremya: podstupy k myshleniyu M. M. Bahtina [Big time: approaches to M. M. Bakhtin’s thinking]. Siedlce: University of Natural Sciences and Humanities; 2015. 174 p. Russian.
- Makhlin VL. Ya i Drugoi. K istorii dialogicheskogo printsipa v filosofii XX v. [Me and Other. On the history of the dialogic principle in the philosophy of the 20th century]. Moscow: Labirint; 1997. 253 p. Russian.
- Tamarchenko ND. «Estetika slovesnogo tvorchestva» Bakhtina i russkaya religioznaya filosofiya [«Aesthetics of verbal creativity» by Bakhtin and Russian religious philosophy]. Moscow: Russian State University for the Humanities; 2001. 199 p. Russian.
- Osovskii OE. Dialog v bol’shom vremeni: literaturovedcheskaya kontseptsiya M. M. Bakhtina [Dialogue in the big time: the literary concept of M. M. Bakhtin]. Saransk: Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after M. E. Evseviev; 1997. 191 p. Russian.
- Krivosheyev AV. Phenomenological analytics of compassionate consciousness of M. M. Bakhtin: no alibi for being and dialogue. Tomsk State University Journal. 2010;339:36–42. Russian.
- Koraev GT. The philosophy of M. Bakhtin: between the philosophy of religion and religious philosophy. Problems of Modern Education. 2018;5:9–21. Russian.
- Kristeva Yu. Izbrannye trudy: razrushenie poetiki [Selected works: the destruction of poetics]. Kosikov GC, Narumov BP, translators. Moscow: ROSSPEN; 2004. 653 p. Russian.
- Tamarchenko ND, editor. Bakhtinskii tezaurus. Materialy i issledovaniya [The Bakhtin thesaurus. Materials and research]. Moscow: Russian State University for the Humanities; 1997. 183 p. Russian.
- Nikolyukin AN, compiler. Literaturnaya entsiklopediya terminov i ponyatii [Literary encyclopedia of terms and concepts]. Moscow: Intelvak; 2001. 799 p. Russian.
- Chekan NI. Two ways of understanding a metaphor: O. Freudenberg and M. Bakhtin. Historical and Social-Educational Idea’s. 2014;6(6, chapter 2):175–179. Russian. DOI: 10.17748/2075-9908-2014-6-6_2-175-179.
- Popova IL. The problem of memory and oblivion: Bakhtin’s mechanisms of saving/erasing traces of traditions in cultural history. Studia Litterarum. 2016;1(1–2):73–90. Russian. DOI: 10.22455/2500-4247-2016-1-1-2-73-90.
- Medvedev YuP, Medvedev DA. [The circle of M. M. Bakhtin. To substantiate the phenomenon]. Zvezda. 2012;3:202–215. Russian.
- Medvedev YuP, Medvedev DA. [Works and days of the circle of M. M. Bakhtin.]. Zvezda. 2008;7:192–210. Russian.
- Alpatov VM. Voloshinov, Bakhtin i lingvistika [Voloshinov, Bakhtin and linguistics]. Moscow: Languages of Slavic Cultures; 2005. 432 p. Russian.
- Makhlin VL. «Participative thinking». Bakhtin’s philosophical project in a context of the ontological turn of 20th century. History of Philosophy Yearbook. 2018;33:267–292. Russian. DOI: 10.21267/AQUILO.2018.33.21039.
- Ivanov VV. [About the authorship of the books by V. N. Voloshinov and P. N. Medvedev.]. Dialog. Karnaval. Khronotop. 1995;4:133–155. Russian.
- Titunik IR. The Baxtin problem: concerning Katerina Clark and Michael Holquist’s Mikhail Bakhtin. Slavic and East European Journal. 1986;30(1):91–95. DOI: 10.2307/307282.
- Morson G, Emerson C. Mikhail Bakhtin: creation of a prosaics. Stanford: Stanford University Press; 1990. 530 р.
- Vasil’ev NL. [Bakhtin or Voloshinov? On the question of the authorship of books and articles attributed to M. M. Bakhtin]. Literaturnoe obozrenie. 1991;9:38–43. Russian.
- Tambovtsev YuA. [Who wrote the texts of Bakhtin, Voloshinov and Medvedev?]. Vestnik Omskogo universiteta. 2011; 4:238–243. Russian.
- Zenkin SN. [Incompetent whistleblowers]. Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie. 2013;119:358–366. Russian.
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