The main directions of studying biography and creativity of M. M. Bakhtin: on the problem of scientific heritage

  • Alexander N. Nikonov Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University, 27 Frunze Avenue, Viciebsk 210023, Belarus


This article is devoted to the problem of studying the scientific heritage of M. М. Bakhtin. It identifies the main research directions of Bakhtin scholars and all those scientists who are engaged in the analysis of the biography, scientific and pedagogical activity and philosophical and cultural views of the Russian thinker. The main aspects of the life, activity and creativity of M. М. Bakhtin, which are studied in their works by representatives of each direction, are analysed. All the variety of approaches in the study and interpretation of the philosopher’s ideas on the way to the search for those foundations that will allow comprehending all the depths of his creativity is shown. The main problems that researchers face today in the way of studying the biography and creative heritage of the thinker are identified.

Author Biography

Alexander N. Nikonov, Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University, 27 Frunze Avenue, Viciebsk 210023, Belarus

senior lecturer at the department of social and human sciences, faculty of advanced training in pedagogics and psychology


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Keywords: M. М. Bakhtin, Bakhtin studies, biography reconstruction, sources of creativity, scientific terminology, M. М. Bakhtin’s circle, Bakhtin contexts, controversial texts
Supporting Agencies The author expresses his gratitude to the head of the department of social sciences and humanities of the Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University PhD (philosophy), docent S. P. Kulik for his help in preparing the article.
How to Cite
Nikonov, A. N. (2023). The main directions of studying biography and creativity of M. M. Bakhtin: on the problem of scientific heritage. Journal of the Belarusian State University. Philosophy and Psychology, 2, 23-32. Retrieved from