Studies of the Kant’s philosophy in the works of the first professors of the Belarusian State University


The article gives a short overview of the dedicated to the philosophy of I. Kant works of those Belarusian professors who stood at the origins of the Belarusian State University – V. N. Ivanovsky, S. Y. Wolfson, B. E. Bykhovsky and others. This is especially relevant in the year of the significant 100th anniversary, which celebrates our university in 2021, as well as in connection with the preparation of the entire world cultural community for the approaching 300th anniversary of the birth of I. Kant. It is advisable, in our opinion, to at least briefly highlight the directions in which the process of understanding the heritage of the great German philosopher in Belarus was carried out. Given that this is a very large and difficult topic, the author of this article considered it possible to turn to the work of domestic authors, whose work was in the 1920–30s and early 1940s. The article shows in what difficult time university philosophers had to work, therefore, their analysis, perception and criticism of the Kant’s philosophy were organically woven into the context of the first decades of the Soviet era with all the class stereotypes and prejudices inherent in it, especially in assessing foreign, including classical, philosophical thought. Nevertheless, familiarity with the original texts of the authors noted above allows us to conclude that there are a number of interesting results regarding the teachings of I. Kant, which are present in their works.

Author Biography

Tatsiana G. Rumyantseva, Belarusian State University, 4 Niezaliežnasci Avenue, Minsk 220030, Belarus

doctor of science (philosophy), full professor; professor at the department of philosophy of culture, faculty of philosophy and social sciences


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Keywords: I. Kant, anniversary of the Belarusian State University, the first professors-philosophers of the Belarusian State University, V. N. Ivanovsky, S. Y. Wolfson, B. E. Bykhovskii, period 1920–30s
How to Cite
Rumyantseva, T. G. (2021). Studies of the Kant’s philosophy in the works of the first professors of the Belarusian State University. Journal of the Belarusian State University. Philosophy and Psychology, 3, 4-11. Retrieved from