The construct of rigidity in the concept of cognitive-personal development

  • Anzhela N. Pevneva Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, 22 E. Ažeška Street, Hrodna 230023, Belarus


The article is aimed at presenting a theoretical model of the development of rigidity as a construct based on the provisions of the concept of cognitive-personal development within the framework of general psychology. This concept served as the basis of the theoretical research, integrating the laws of the lines of cognitive and personal development. Using a group of scientific methods, in particular, the inductive-deductive and retrospective methods, as well as methods of theoretical design, modelling and forecasting, an analysis of the relationship between the two (cognitive and personal) lines of cognition has been performed. The aspects of the development of flexibility-rigidity, as a cognitive-personal construct, which is the natural result of the process of cognition, such as reflexivity (spontaneity (reactivity) and delay (inhibition)), coordination (system 1 and system 2), organisation (divergence and convergence) and regulativity (flexibility and control) have been revealed. Based on the provisions of the concept of cognitive-personal development, the construct of rigidity is presented as a qualitatively specific process of functioning of cognitive structures and personal properties. It is closely connected with the understanding of the relative autonomy of cognitive and personal (social) development, the primacy of the formation and leading role of cognitive mechanisms of cognition in relation to personal ones, as well as the conditionality of the ratio of cognitive and personal lines of development and the need for adaptation. The results of the theoretical study expand and supplement the available data on the problem of rigidity, which will form a continuum (ambivalent) view of the nature of the phenomenon under study and expand the vector of directions of its study in the field of general psychology.

Author Biography

Anzhela N. Pevneva, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, 22 E. Ažeška Street, Hrodna 230023, Belarus

PhD (psychology), docent; head of the department of general and social psychology, faculty of psychology


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Keywords: rigidity, construct, cognitive-personal development
Supporting Agencies The author grateful to the doctor of sciences (psychology), professor A. P. Lobanov for the professional support of the research manuscript, assistance in the construction and substantiation of the theoretical model of rigidity, as well as support in the implementation of the main goal and objectives during the article writing.
How to Cite
Pevneva, A. N. (2023). The construct of rigidity in the concept of cognitive-personal development. Journal of the Belarusian State University. Philosophy and Psychology, 2, 84-92. Retrieved from