Medical and psychological aspects of image of flight formation at unmanned aerial vehicle operator

  • Tatsiana V. Kokina 223 Aviation Medicine Center of Air Force and Air Defense Forces of Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus, 24 Maladzjozhnaja Street, 223012, urban-type settlement Machulishchy, Minsk District, Belarus
  • Andrei I. Kuntsevich 223 Aviation Medicine Center of Air Force and Air Defense Forces of Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus, 24 Maladzjozhnaja Street, 223012, urban-type settlement Machulishchy, Minsk District, Belarus
  • Dmitry A. Djakov Belarusian State Academy of Aviation, 77 Ubarevicha Street, Minsk 220096, Belarus
  • Igor A. Fourmanov Belarusian State University, 4 Niezaliezhnasci Avenue, Minsk 220030, Belarus


Flight safety of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) of the state aviation is characterised by its emergency-free applying. The effectiveness of the professional activity of a UAV operator is directly influenced by the success of constructing and executing a flight mission, which in turn depends on the characteristics of the mental regulation of his professional activity. Mental regulation of the operator’s control actions is carried out thanks to the formed holistic image of flight. Understanding of the medical and psychological aspects of the mechanisms of its formation will allow us to highlight the features of mental regulation of the operator’s control actions of a UAV operator to solve the problems of training a UAV operator and optimising his professional activity.

Author Biographies

Tatsiana V. Kokina, 223 Aviation Medicine Center of Air Force and Air Defense Forces of Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus, 24 Maladzjozhnaja Street, 223012, urban-type settlement Machulishchy, Minsk District, Belarus

senior officer at the department of aviation psychology


Andrei I. Kuntsevich, 223 Aviation Medicine Center of Air Force and Air Defense Forces of Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus, 24 Maladzjozhnaja Street, 223012, urban-type settlement Machulishchy, Minsk District, Belarus

lieutenant colonel of medical service; head of the state agency


Dmitry A. Djakov, Belarusian State Academy of Aviation, 77 Ubarevicha Street, Minsk 220096, Belarus

PhD (history), docent; head of the department of unmanned aircraft systems and combat control, military faculty


Igor A. Fourmanov, Belarusian State University, 4 Niezaliezhnasci Avenue, Minsk 220030, Belarus

doctor of science (psychology), full professor; head of the department of social and organisational psychology, faculty of philosophy and social sciences



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Keywords: flight safety, professional activity, human operator, image of flight, mental regulation, operativeness, effectiveness, spatial orientation
How to Cite
Kokina, T. V., Kuntsevich, A. I., Djakov, D. A., & Fourmanov, I. A. (2024). Medical and psychological aspects of image of flight formation at unmanned aerial vehicle operator. Journal of the Belarusian State University. Philosophy and Psychology, 1, 84-90. Retrieved from