Studying the culture of digital society: traditions and new approaches

  • Irуna P. Saltanovich Minsk State Linguistic University, 21 Zaharava Street, Minsk 220034, Belarus


In the context of globalisation and the virtualisation of social communications necessary the formation of new vectors of development of culture, accompanied by changes in human paradigms in the world. Modern collisions undergoing by society and arising as a result of virtualisation and digitalisation of almost all spheres of its life, as well as the fact that the nature of the information man (homo informaticus) is now ambivalent, determined the need to differentiate sociological approaches to studying the place of culture in virtual space, taking into account futurological models of the network society.

Author Biography

Irуna P. Saltanovich, Minsk State Linguistic University, 21 Zaharava Street, Minsk 220034, Belarus

PhD (sociology), docent; associate professor at the department of history and social sciences


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Keywords: sociological approaches, digital society, culture, Internet, virtual reality, homo informaticus, sociology of culture, digitalisation, cyberculture
How to Cite
Saltanovich, I. P. (2024). Studying the culture of digital society: traditions and new approaches. Journal of the Belarusian State University. Philosophy and Psychology, 2, 74-80. Retrieved from