Optical chemical sensors based on complex compounds

  • Evgeniya Yu. Shachneva Independent researcher, Astrakhan, Russia


The material describing various types of optical chemical sensors (detectors, analysers) based on complex compounds is systematised. The characteristics of chemical sensors are given. The classification is presented, the basic principles of operation of the sensors in question and their applications are described. Examples of complex compounds used as thermosensitive pigments produced in different countries with indication of the temperature of colour change are considered. The structures of effective radiating complexes of lanthanides with organic ligands working as emitters are given. The possibilities of using analysers in various industries are emphasised.

Author Biography

Evgeniya Yu. Shachneva, Independent researcher, Astrakhan, Russia

PhD (chemistry), professor of the Russian Academy of Natural History; independent researcher


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Keywords: sensors, optical chemical sensors, complex compounds, thermosensitive pigments
How to Cite
Shachneva, E. Y. (2023). Optical chemical sensors based on complex compounds. Journal of the Belarusian State University. Physics, 3, 10-21. Retrieved from https://journals.bsu.by/index.php/physics/article/view/5560