Hard gamma-quanta source based on the electron and positron radiation in the field of planes formed by atomic chains

  • Viktor V. Tikhomirov Institute for Nuclear Problems, Belarusian State University, 11 Babrujskaja Street, Minsk 220006, Belarus


Correlated collisions of fast particles with crystal lattice atoms lead to a coherent enhancement of both their scattering and radiation. At the same time, the effective crystal fields are 3–4 orders of magnitude superior to the fields of magnetic undulators and can compete with them in radiation intensity at crystal lengths smaller by tens and hundreds of thousands of times, and surpass them in radiation frequency by 2–3 orders and more. In particular, sources of gamma rays with energies of several gigaelectronvolts based on the emission of electrons in crystals have long been used to study the properties of mesons. To increase their intensity, it was proposed recently to use a source based on short-period crystalline undulators, and the development of a technology for their production has begun. In contrast, this paper proposes a source of the same spectral range based on radiation in the field of planes formed by atomic chains of a crystal that is not subject to any deformation. Introduced by J. Lindhard under the name of string of strings, this mode of particle motion relative to the crystal lattice allows for the simultaneous usage of both the coherent amplification of radiation by intense fields of atomic chains and planar channeling that regulates particle motion. As an example, we consider the radiation of electrons and positrons with the energy of 10 GeV in the field of the 111 axis and (110) plane of diamond crystals with thicknesses of 100–1000 mm. To calculate the radiation characteristics, a simulation method is applied, free from a number of commonly used approximations, which has been verified in multiple experiments in the last decade at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research and at the microtron of the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz. The simulation results show that the intensity of the proposed source is not inferior to the intensity of radiation in a short-period crystalline undulator, which makes it possible to implement such a source without any delays.

Author Biography

Viktor V. Tikhomirov, Institute for Nuclear Problems, Belarusian State University, 11 Babrujskaja Street, Minsk 220006, Belarus

doctor of science (physics and mathematics), full professor; chief researcher at the laboratory of radiation safety.


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Keywords: radiation, electrons, positrons, gamma-quanta, relativistic particles, particle channeling in crystals, coherent particle radiation in crystals
How to Cite
Tikhomirov, V. V. (2023). Hard gamma-quanta source based on the electron and positron radiation in the field of planes formed by atomic chains. Journal of the Belarusian State University. Physics, 3, 65-74. Retrieved from https://journals.bsu.by/index.php/physics/article/view/5583
Atomic Nucleus and Elementary Particle Physics