Electrically controlled propagation of laser radiation based on liquid-crystal elements

  • Iryna I. Rushnova Belarusian State University, Niezaliežnasci Avenue, 4, 220030, Minsk, Belarus
  • Elena Aleksandrovna Melnikova Belarusian State University, Niezaliežnasci Avenue, 4, 220030, Minsk, Belarus


The possibility of creating a two domain liquid crystal element with a planar and homeotropic orientation of the director allowing realization of spatial displacement of the refractive boundary induced by an electric field is demonstrated. Displacement of the refractive interface under the action of an external field in the LC cell with a fragmentary conductive layer provides a controlled linear shift of the light wave trajectory reflected in the conditions of the total internal reflection. The possibility of a controlled angular deflection of a reflected light wave in an NLC element using a conductive layer with the form of an arc is presented. The modified technology to fabricate electrically controlled liquid crystal elements for routing of a polarized light wave is proposed. Application of a photoalignment composite structure comprising two sublayers of nylon-6 and AtA-2 photoalignment azo dye offers high alignment quality value of liquid crystal initial director orientation in cells with a fragmentary conductive layer.

Author Biographies

Iryna I. Rushnova, Belarusian State University, Niezaliežnasci Avenue, 4, 220030, Minsk, Belarus

postgraduate student at the department of laser physics and spectroscopy, faculty of physics

Elena Aleksandrovna Melnikova, Belarusian State University, Niezaliežnasci Avenue, 4, 220030, Minsk, Belarus

PhD (physics and mathematics); associate professor at the department of laser physics and spectroscopy, faculty of physics


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Keywords: nematic liquid crystal, total internal reflection, electrically controlled topology of director orientation, commutation, translation of refractive interface, controlled angular light deflection
Supporting Agencies The research work was supported by the Belarusian State Program of Scientific Investigations «Convergence» (task 3.03.5 «Development of materials and technologies for the creation of microstructured liquid crystal elements for photonic applications») (2016 –2020) and implemented within the research project «Spatial polarization operation of light fields in electrically controlled nematic LC cells with a refractive boundary», executed at the expense of the republican budget provided by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus to allocate grants (2017).
How to Cite
Rushnova, I. I., & Melnikova, E. A. (2018). Electrically controlled propagation of laser radiation based on liquid-crystal elements. Journal of the Belarusian State University. Physics, 1, 41-50. Retrieved from https://journals.bsu.by/index.php/physics/article/view/559