Microstructure of alloys of aluminium scrap and bismuth
Al – 1.3–2.6 wt. % Bi alloys are made on the basis of aluminium scrap containing about 0.3 wt. % silicon and iron, and bismuth with a purity of 99.999 %, fused at 800 °C and then subsequent filling into a graphite mold. The average rate of melt cooling was approximately 10 K/s. The alloys contain mainly spherical bismuth precipitates, located preferentially at the grain boundaries. The microstructure parameters of the alloys were determined by the random secant method. The average length of chords of random secants on sections of aluminium grains is 71 μm, the average size of aluminium grains is 120 μm, the specific surface area of aluminium grain boundaries is 0.026 μm–1. The maximum diameter of dispersive bismuth particles reaches 10 μm, and the average diameter is 2.1 μm, the specific surface area of the interphase boundary aluminium – bismuth is 0.008 μm–1. Clusters are formed, including iron-containing phase in the form of plates 0.3–0.8 μm. The decrease in the microhardness of Al – 2.6 wt. % Bi alloy during isochronous annealing is due to the develoрment of diffusion processes at temperature above 80 °С, which promotes the coalescence of dispersed bismuth particles.
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