Crisis and society: social response and directions for reducing conflict potential in society

  • Georgiy M. Evelkin National Security Institute of the Republic of Belarus, 2 Zm. Biaduli Street, Minsk 220032, Belarus


The main types of society's response to crisis phenomena (anomalous, conflict, modernization) are considered. It characterizes the behavior of different categories of the population, their orientation and priorities. It is noted that the population of Belarus is most characterized by balanced behavior, oriented to the future through improvement and modernization of funds and approaches of socio-economic development. It emphasizes the need to actively study the processes taking place in society and the timely information of the authorities to make informed management decisions.

Author Biography

Georgiy M. Evelkin, National Security Institute of the Republic of Belarus, 2 Zm. Biaduli Street, Minsk 220032, Belarus

doctor of science (sociology), full professor; professor at the special department


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Keywords: crisis, population behaviour models, social anomaly, social conflict, creativity modernisation, monitoring of social processes
How to Cite
Evelkin, G. M. (2021). Crisis and society: social response and directions for reducing conflict potential in society. Journal of the Belarusian State University. Sociology, 2, 4-12.