Categories of philosophy in researching social relationships of forms of ownership


The essence and development of forms of ownership is an insufficiently researched problem. As its analysis, we used the general methodological position of K. Marx on the nature and method of combining labour power with the means of production, namely, the interaction of its two sides, that is, the features of direct production. In this process, the essence of human activity is revealed, on the one hand, he changes the content of the means of production, and on the other hand, he develops his abilities and thereby changes the content of labour, that is, connections and relations, forms of movement of labour power and means of production are revealed in it, expressed by categories and laws. As a result of the study of the interaction of labour power with the means of production, the nature and method of combining labour power with the means of production was substantiated as a category and laws of property development. The purpose of the article is to reveal the meaning of the nature and method of combining labour power with the means of production in the development of property. The methodological basis of the research was the materialist dialectic. This article is a summary of a new system of views on the explanation of the genesis and development of ownership of the means of production.

Author Biography

Alexander I. Vankevich, Independent researcher, Minsk, Belarus

PhD (economics), docent


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Keywords: category, law, dialectics, development, ownership, means of production, perception, relation, relationship, production relationships, interaction, abstract and concrete, tendency
How to Cite
Vankevich, A. I. (2021). Categories of philosophy in researching social relationships of forms of ownership. Journal of the Belarusian State University. Sociology, 2, 22-29.