Democratic criteria and American political reality

  • Ivan I. Antonovich Independent researcher, Moscow, Russia


The author studies social-economic consequences of the electoral campaign in the United States for the future of the America’s Commonwealth and geopolitical consequences. The author counsel to research views of the end of the America’s century and that United States will be never the role of the leader of the west world. At the same time the author invites to assay the arguments of those researches, who counsel, that the United States will be the most powerful countryeconomically, industrially and militarily having creating functioned democratic system are able to mobilise the potential, which will recover the lost positions of the United States in the world.

Author Biography

Ivan I. Antonovich, Independent researcher, Moscow, Russia

academician of the Russian Academy of Social Sciences, doctor of science (philosophy), full professor


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Keywords: USA, socio-economic crisis, pandemic, political polarisation, split, globalisation
How to Cite
Antonovich, I. I. (2021). Democratic criteria and American political reality. Journal of the Belarusian State University. Sociology, 2, 30-39.