A new system of socio-humanitarian education as a response to the challenges of modernity

  • Cheslav S. Kirvel Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, 22 E. Ažeška Street, Hrodna 230023, Belarus
  • Snezhana Z. Semernik Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, 22 E. Ažeška Street, Hrodna 230023, Belarus


The object of research in this article is the system of socio-humanitarian training of students. The article reveals the idea of the influence of the education system on the most important spheres of public life. The authors show that with the help of changes in the education system, it is possible to change not only the individual consciousness of the subjects of social development, but also to change the way of social life in general. Socio-humanitarian knowledge is of particular importance in the preparation of students. It forms the value-worldview attitudes of students, influences their behavioural models and civic position. Optimisation of the content and form of socio-humanitarian education is a strategically important task for society, a necessary condition for the implementation of national security imperatives. The authors argue that society today needs to update the system of socio-humanitarian training of students, especially at the higher school level. They point out the need to carry out this training throughout the entire period of training of students, paying special attention to the direct interaction of teachers and students. At the same time, the theoretical and ideological training of teachers themselves, whose thinking should correspond to state strategic objectives, is of no small importance. The authors convincingly prove that the axiological component should also be given great importance in the preparation of students, since in modern society there is a rapid deethisation and dehumanisation of socialisation, attempts are being made to break traditional values. The practical significance of the research results lies in the possibility of applying the data obtained in determining strategies and priorities for the development of the modern education system, the organisation of educational and educational processes in institutions of secondary and higher education.

Author Biographies

Cheslav S. Kirvel, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, 22 E. Ažeška Street, Hrodna 230023, Belarus

doctor of science (philosophy), full professor; head of the department of philosophy, faculty of pedagogy

Snezhana Z. Semernik, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, 22 E. Ažeška Street, Hrodna 230023, Belarus

doctor of science (philosophy), docent; professor at the department of philosophy, faculty of pedagogy


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Keywords: education system, challenges of modernity, national and state security, socio-humanitarian education, youth self-awareness, educational process
How to Cite
Kirvel, C. S., & Semernik, S. Z. (2022). A new system of socio-humanitarian education as a response to the challenges of modernity. Journal of the Belarusian State University. Sociology, 3, 42-48. https://doi.org/10.33581/2521-6821-2022-3-42-48