Rating system in a specialised institution of higher education: evaluating the activities of departments and teachers

  • Dmitry Yu. Alexandrov Belarusian State University of Transport, 34 Kirava Street, Homiel 246653, Belarus


The factors influencing the management processes of a specialised university in modern conditions are estimated. The structure of the rating system, the list of criteria and the methodology for ranking departments and teachers, implemented at the Belarusian State University of Transport, are given. Attention is focused on the goals of the rating system, its fundamental principles and distinctive features. In comparison with other similar systems, it should be noted that there is the widest scope of work that is performed not only by graduate teachers with high scientometric indicators, but also by senior teachers and assistants. The university rating system takes into account the multitasking of modern Belarusian higher education and sub-regional factors, and not just the traditional limited list of indicators that is typical for most international academic rating systems. The ranking of teachers among themselves is carried out only within the department. The analysis of the results of the rating assessment of the activities of the departments for the period 2021–2022 is carried out in three directions. Qualitative and quantitative performance indicators used in assessing the achievements of both departments and teachers are considered. There is a positive dynamics of the indicators of the departments in the internal comparison and the positions of the university in the international academic ranking Webometrics. It has been established that the greatest differences between the departments are observed in the areas of research activities and educational work. Possible options for visualising absolute and relative rating indicators for a particular teacher or department are given. Limiting factors and prospects for the development of the rating system are determined. There is a serious impact of the psychological barrier on the efficiency of the system and the need for financial incentives during the reporting period and at the end of the year. Overcoming the constraining factors will allow moving to the next stage in the development of the rating system: the ranking of teachers throughout the university and the implementation of a rating system with the widespread use of information technology.

Author Biography

Dmitry Yu. Alexandrov, Belarusian State University of Transport, 34 Kirava Street, Homiel 246653, Belarus

senior lecturer at the department of design, construction and exploitation of transport objects, building faculty


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Keywords: university management, department management, rating system
How to Cite
Alexandrov, D. Y. (2023). Rating system in a specialised institution of higher education: evaluating the activities of departments and teachers. Journal of the Belarusian State University. Sociology, 2, 102-111. Retrieved from https://journals.bsu.by/index.php/sociology/article/view/5610
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