Kant’s project of eternal peace and its transformation in the teaching of I. G. Fichte

  • Tatyana G. Rumyantseva Belarusian State University, 4 Niezaliežnasci Avenue, Minsk 220030, Belarus


The ideas of those thinkers which should be considered as a philosophical and worldview justification of peace and security acquire undoubted relevance. The purpose of this article is to identify the essence of Kant’s views on the problems of peace and war at different periods of his work, as well as to analyse the process of their transformation in the teaching of his closest follower, I. G. Fichte. The evolution of I. Kant’s ideas about peace and war was revealed, it is shown that the philosopher revises his attitude to the possibility of achieving eternal peace and expresses previously rarely mentioned in the literature about him, positive assessments of war. I. G. Fichte came to recognise the need to wage not only fair liberation wars and to conclude that the eternal peace is not feasible.

Author Biography

Tatyana G. Rumyantseva, Belarusian State University, 4 Niezaliežnasci Avenue, Minsk 220030, Belarus

doctor of science (philosophy), full professor; professor at the department of philosophy of culture, faculty of philosophy and social sciences


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  4. Kant I. Sochineniya v shesti tomakh. Tom 4, chast’ 2 [Writings in six volumes. Volume 4, part 2]. Asmus VF, Gulyga AV, Oizerman TI, editors. Moscow: Mysl’; 1965. [Metaphysics of morals]; p. 107–437. Russian.
  5. Kant I. Kritika sposobnosti suzhdeniya [Critique of the ability of judgment]. Moscow: Iskusstvo; 1994. 367 p. Russian.
  6. Hegel GFV. Fenomenologiya dukha [Phenomenology of spirit]. Saint Petersburg: Nauka; 1992. 441 p. Russian.
  7. Zotkin AA. The problem of war and peace in German political thought of XVIII – early XIX centuries. Dialog so vremenem. 2020;71:127–133. Russian.
  8. Fichte IG. Traktaty o vechnom mire [Treatises on eternal peace]. Andreeva IS, Gulyga AV, compilers. Moscow: Sotsekgiz; 1963. [To eternal peace. Philosophical project Immanuel Kant]; р. 150–191. Russian.
  9. Fichte IG. Sochineniya v dvukh tomakh. Tom 2 [Works in two volumes. Volume 2]. Volzhskii V, compiler. Saint Petersburg: Mifril; 1993. [Closed trading state]; p. 225–359. Russian.
  10. Fichte IG. Sochineniya v dvukh tomakh. Tom 2 [Works in two volumes. Volume 2]. Volzhskii V, compiler. Saint Petersburg: Mifril; 1993. [The main features of the modern era]; p. 359–619. Russian.
  11. Fichte IG. Rechi k nemetskoi natsii [Speeches to the German nation]. Ivanenko AA, translator. Saint Petersburg: Nauka; 2009. 350 p. Russian.
Keywords: I. Kant, eternal peace, war, I. G. Fiсhte, evolution of the of Kant’s views about war and peace, types of wars
Supporting Agencies The article was carried out within the framework of the state research programme «Society and humanitarian security of the Belarusian state» (subprogramme «Philosophy», theme «Kant’s peace project as a philosophical and ideological justification for the security of the modern world», No. 619/97).
How to Cite
Rumyantseva, T. G. (2023). Kant’s project of eternal peace and its transformation in the teaching of I. G. Fichte. Journal of the Belarusian State University. Sociology, 2, 36-42. Retrieved from https://journals.bsu.by/index.php/sociology/article/view/5622