Grodno school of sociology of medicine: scientific field of research

  • Marina Yu. Surmach Grodno State Medical University, 80 Maksima Gorkaga Street, Grodna 230009, Belarus


The article briefly outlines the history of the formation of the sociology of medicine as a scientific specialty in Belarus, the content of the specialty is presented and its specificity in Belarus is shown. The article considers the role of the Grodno State Medical University, scientific cooperation with the professional community of Russian sociologists. The main milestones in the formation of the scientific school of sociology of medicine in Belarus are revealed, the directions of research currently being carried out by the young Grodno school of sociology of medicine, the spheres of practical application of research results are outlined.

Author Biography

Marina Yu. Surmach, Grodno State Medical University, 80 Maksima Gorkaga Street, Grodna 230009, Belarus

doctor of science (medicine), full professor; head of the department of public health and health services


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Keywords: sociology of medicine, history of the formation of a scientific school, Grodno State Medical University, scientific specialty, research directions
How to Cite
Surmach, M. Y. (2023). Grodno school of sociology of medicine: scientific field of research. Journal of the Belarusian State University. Sociology, 3, 82-88. Retrieved from