Short version of the procrastination questionnaire: reliability, validity, factor structure

  • Viktor P. Sheinov National Institute for Higher Education, 15 Maskowskaja Street, Minsk 220001, Belarus
  • Anton S. Dziavitsyn Belarusian State University, 4 Niezaliezhnasci Avenue, Minsk 220030, Belarus


It is noted that a person who spends a lot of time on the Internet has an increased level of procrastination. To study this dependence, the Ley scale of general procrastination, created in 1989, is used, which includes 15 questions. It is indicated that the methods created in the last century require improvement, since the answers of modern respondents may differ significantly from the answers of their predecessors. The necessity of reducing questionnaires is justified, since extensive questionnaires cause difficulties in collecting materials and are not able to ensure the objectivity of answers. A reliable and valid short version of the procrastination questionnaire has been developed. A consistent two factorial model of procrastination is constructed. The data for the study was collected through online testing of 1911 respondents. It is concluded that, unlike the original version, it has more modern psychometric characteristics and meets the criteria of validity and reliability.

Author Biographies

Viktor P. Sheinov, National Institute for Higher Education, 15 Maskowskaja Street, Minsk 220001, Belarus

doctor of science (sociology), full professor; professor at the department of psychology and pedagogical excellence, faculty of advanced training and retraining

Anton S. Dziavitsyn, Belarusian State University, 4 Niezaliezhnasci Avenue, Minsk 220030, Belarus

senior lecturer at the department of web technologies and computer simulation, faculty of mechanics and mathematics


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Keywords: procrastination questionnaire, short version of the questionnaire, reliability, validity, factor model, psychometric characteristics
How to Cite
Sheinov, V. P., & Dziavitsyn, A. S. (2024). Short version of the procrastination questionnaire: reliability, validity, factor structure. Journal of the Belarusian State University. Sociology, 2, 68-76. Retrieved from
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