From memories to philosophy: on the 100th anniversary of E. V. Il’enkov

  • Gennady V. Lobastov Russian Philosophical Society «Dialectics and Culture», Zelenograd, 247 building, 30 offie, Moscow 124498, Russia


The events around the name of the world-class philosopher Eval’d Vasil’evich Il’enkov are briefly reproduced. The central problems of his scientific work are described. The importance of the scientist’s theses on the subject of philosophy is noted. The dynamics of E. V. Il’enkov’s creative thought is traced, in particular, the gradual transition from the study of the subject of philosophy to the study of personality as a central figure of historical development in the context of the teachings of K. Marx.

Author Biography

Gennady V. Lobastov, Russian Philosophical Society «Dialectics and Culture», Zelenograd, 247 building, 30 offie, Moscow 124498, Russia

doctor of science (philosophy), full professor; president


  1. Lobastov GV. Obraz Eval’da Il’enkova v vospominaniyakh [The image of Evald Ilyenkov in memories]. Moscow: Russkaya panorama; 2024. 448 p. Russian.
  2. Ilyenkov E. Ob idolakh i idealakh [About idols and ideals]. Kyiv: Chas-krok; 2006. 312 p. Russian.
Keywords: E. V. Il’enkov, philosophy, thinking, being, consciousness, philosophy in society, the social meaning of philosophy, truth, misconception, education, personality
How to Cite
Lobastov, G. V. (2024). From memories to philosophy: on the 100th anniversary of E. V. Il’enkov. Journal of the Belarusian State University. Sociology, 2, 22-28. Retrieved from