Belarusians in Poland in the period of destruction of the traditional society

  • Eugeniusz Mironowicz Institute of History and Political Science, University of Bialystok, 1 Niezależnego Zrzeszenia Studentów Avenue, Białystok 15-420, Poland


The article is devoted to the analyze of thee changes in the political and socio-economic life of Poland after the World War II and their influence on the life of Belarusians who resided in Bialystok region. The author describes the changes in their everyday life and the housekeeping, reveals the influence of agrarian reform on the social structure and economic situation of Belarusians. It is noted that in the post-war Poland Belarusians got the opportunities for social, cultural and political development, and therefore they do not perceived the changes as a tragedy.

Author Biography

Eugeniusz Mironowicz, Institute of History and Political Science, University of Bialystok, 1 Niezależnego Zrzeszenia Studentów Avenue, Białystok 15-420, Poland

doctor of science (history), full professor; head of the department of international politics


  1. Mironowicz E., Tokć S., Radzik R. Zmiana struktury narodowościowej na pograniczu polsko-białoruskim w XX w. Białystok : Wydaw. Uniw. w Białymstoku, 2005 (in Pol.).
Keywords: Poland, Belarusians, society, transformation, agrarian reform, everyday life
How to Cite
Mironowicz E. Belarusians in Poland in the period of destruction of the traditional society // Journal of the Belarusian State University. History. 2018. 2. PP. 75-81.