Huzhalouski A. A. Red pencil: essays on the history of censorship in the BSSR

  • Fyodor K. Yarmolich Saint Petersburg Institute of History (N. P. Lihachov mansion) of Russian Academy of Sciences, 7 Petrozavodskaya Street, Saint Petersburg 197110, Russia; Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University, 6‒8 Lva Tolstogo Street, Saint Petersburg 197022, Russia

Author Biography

Fyodor K. Yarmolich, Saint Petersburg Institute of History (N. P. Lihachov mansion) of Russian Academy of Sciences, 7 Petrozavodskaya Street, Saint Petersburg 197110, Russia; Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University, 6‒8 Lva Tolstogo Street, Saint Petersburg 197022, Russia

PhD (history), docent; researcher at the department of contemporary history of Russia, Saint Petersburg Institute of History (N. P. Lihachov mansion) of Russian Academy of Sciences, and associate professor at the department of history of Fatherland, Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University

How to Cite
Yarmolich F. K. Huzhalouski A. A. Red pencil: essays on the history of censorship in the BSSR // Journal of the Belarusian State University. History. 2020. 2. PP. 106-108.