The French Socialist Party in 2017–2021: adaptation to the new situation

  • Eugene G. Kolb Belarusian State University, 4 Niezaliežnasci Avenue, Minsk 220030, Belarus


For the first time in the Belarusian research literature, the activities of the French Socialist Party (FSP) to overcome the most severe ideological and political crisis that clearly manifested itself in the 2017 elections is examined. The author shows the results of the internal party struggle on the strategy of restoring the party’s position in the political life of the country. In the article the changes in the ideology are characterised and the degree of renewal of the party doctrine is determined, the features of the activity of the FSP in the role of the opposition party are established, the efforts of socialists to rally the left forces are shown, the specifics of the role of the FSP in political life and the left political camp of France are established. It is concluded that the FSP refused a deep revision of ideology and political strategy and kept the ideological and political identity of the left government party, its authorities managed to avoid transformation to a micro-party, but they were unable to restore the former role of the main party of the left political camp and one of the two leading parties in the country.

Author Biography

Eugene G. Kolb, Belarusian State University, 4 Niezaliežnasci Avenue, Minsk 220030, Belarus

PhD (history), docent; associate professor at the department of modern and contemporary history, faculty of history


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  2. Narochnitskaya EA. [Party-political landscape of France after elections-2017]. In: Shveitser VYa, editor. Svet i teni «ery Makrona» [Light and shadows of the «Macron era»]. Moscow: Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 2019. p. 44–55. Russian.
Keywords: French Socialist Party, ideology, political strategy, elections
How to Cite
Kolb E. G. The French Socialist Party in 2017–2021: adaptation to the new situation // Journal of the Belarusian State University. History. 2022. 1. PP. 43-50.