Warfare in Livonia at the beginning of the 18th century in relations of English ambassador Philippe Plantamour from Berlin

  • Mariusz Sawicki The Institute of History, the University of Opole, 2 Strzelców Bytomskich Street, Opole 45-084, Poland


An important element in current historical research is the analysis of diplomatic relations focusing on the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. They show the history of the Polish-Lithuanian state, its internal and foreign policy from a different historical perspective. In 1700, the Great Northern War broke out and changed the political power system in Central and Eastern Europe for the next decades. Diplomats from foreign courts were interested in this war, including Philippe Plantamour, secretary of the British embassy in Berlin. He sent his reports to the British Isles in which he posted information on warfare in Livonia. The aim of the article will be to analyze diplomatic reports that can help us answer the question of how the Great Northern War was seen in London. The method used is a critical analysis of the manuscript. The research will explain what information was included in Philippe Plantamours reports and whether they were true.

Author Biography

Mariusz Sawicki, The Institute of History, the University of Opole, 2 Strzelców Bytomskich Street, Opole 45-084, Poland

doctor of science (history), full professor; deputy director for scientific affairs


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Keywords: Philippe Plantamour, English diplomacy, Great Northern War, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Livonia
Supporting Agencies The article is the result of the implementation of a grant from the National Science Center in Krakow, No. DEC 2017/01/X/HS3/00482 (the project «Socio-political elites of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the light of reports by French and English diplomats in the second half of the 17th century» («Elity społeczno-polityczne Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego w świetle raportów dyplomatów francuskich i angielskich w II połowie XVII wieku»)).
How to Cite
Sawicki M. Warfare in Livonia at the beginning of the 18th century in relations of English ambassador Philippe Plantamour from Berlin // Journal of the Belarusian State University. History. 2019. 2. PP. 40-46.