Pitirim Sorokin: in the abyss of revolution

  • Igor L. Zherebtsov Institute of Languages, Literature and History, Komi Science Centre, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, 26 Kommunisticheskaya Street, Syktyvkar 167982, Russia
  • Ol’ga Yu. Kuzivanova Pitirim Sorokin Centre «Heritage», 30 Sovetskaya Street, Syktyvkar 167000, Russia
  • Irina I. Lejman Institute for Human Sciences, Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University, 9 Kataeva Street, Syktyvkar 167001, Russia


The Chapter «The Abyss» from the book of the famous sociologist P. A. Sorokin «Sheets from a Russian diary», dedicated to the events of November –December 1917 he participated in, is published. The introductory part gives a brief description of the political activities of P. A. Sorokin in 1917–1918, and provides information on the activities of the Center «Heritage» named after P. A. Sorokin, created in Syktyvkar.

Author Biographies

Igor L. Zherebtsov, Institute of Languages, Literature and History, Komi Science Centre, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, 26 Kommunisticheskaya Street, Syktyvkar 167982, Russia

doctor of science (history); director

Ol’ga Yu. Kuzivanova, Pitirim Sorokin Centre «Heritage», 30 Sovetskaya Street, Syktyvkar 167000, Russia

PhD (history); director

Irina I. Lejman, Institute for Human Sciences, Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University, 9 Kataeva Street, Syktyvkar 167001, Russia

PhD (history); head of the department of public relations and advertising


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Keywords: Pitirim Sorokin, Great Russian revolution, political parties, Komi region, Centre «Heritage»
How to Cite
Zherebtsov I. L., Kuzivanova O. Y., Lejman I. I. Pitirim Sorokin: in the abyss of revolution // Journal of the Belarusian State University. History. 2017. 3. PP. 101-112.