Semantic features of negative constructions in scientific monologue and scientific dialogue on the material of Russian and English languages

  • Katsiaryna A. Belikova Minsk State Linguistic University, 21 Zaсharava Street, Minsk 220034, Belarus


Semantic peculiarities of the use of negative constructions that denote the absence of action, phenomenon or property in scientific speech are demonstrated. The analysis is based on the material of Russian and English languages. Quantitative and qualitative differences of usage of the negative indicators with lexical-semantic groups of verbs in scientific monologue and scientific dialogue are revealed. It is established that the semantic differences of the negative constructions in scientific monologue and scientific dialogue are determined by the specific pragmatic tasks that are solved by the author or speaker.

Author Biography

Katsiaryna A. Belikova, Minsk State Linguistic University, 21 Zaсharava Street, Minsk 220034, Belarus

postgraduate student at the department of general linguistics


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Keywords: negative constructions, scientific discourse, scientific monologue, scientific dialogue, semantic features
How to Cite
Belikova K. A. Semantic features of negative constructions in scientific monologue and scientific dialogue on the material of Russian and English languages // Journal of the Belarusian State University. Philology. 2023. 2. PP. 92-100.