Peculiarities of modernist storytelling techniques in the autobiographical prose of Ch. Isherwood

  • Uladzislau V. Salodki Belarusian State University, 4 Niezaliezhnacsi Avenue, Minsk 220030, Belarus


The article outlines Ch. Isherwood’s approaches to the creation of autobiographical novels of the cycle «The Berlin stories» . Some stylistic and thematic influences of the literary process of the early 20th century on the writer’s work are revealed, which is demonstrated by comparing the author’s novels with the works of V. Woolf and J. Joyce. It is established that Ch. Isherwood’s early prose corresponds to the tendencies of the literary epoch (experiments with autobiographical memory, psychologisation of narrative, rejection of the classical mimetic approach in favour of the fictionalisation of life). The distinctive, invented by Ch. Isherwood method of camera, which is a technique of autobiographical writing based on the author’s artistic self-objectification by creating a first-person storytelling combined with an invisible protagonist, is highlighted.

Author Biography

Uladzislau V. Salodki, Belarusian State University, 4 Niezaliezhnacsi Avenue, Minsk 220030, Belarus

postgraduate student at the department of foreign literature, faculty of philology



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  9. Woolf V. Orlando. London: Hogarth Press; 1964. 304 p.
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Keywords: English modernism, Ch. Isherwood, biography, autobiography, novel «Goodbye to Berlin», novel «Mr. Norris changes trains», image of the author
How to Cite
Salodki U. V. Peculiarities of modernist storytelling techniques in the autobiographical prose of Ch. Isherwood // Journal of the Belarusian State University. Philology. 2024. 1. PP. 21-27.