Neo-Marxist’s age-old experience: results and prospects of neo-Marxist’s capitalism theory

  • Vadzim S. Mikhailouski Belarusian State University, 4 Niezaliežnasci Avenue, Minsk 220030, Belarus


Neo-Marxist’s research program in social science exists in epistemological crisis condition. Excessive criticism, ideological engagement as well as final obscurity of capitalism are among the problems of neo-Marxism. As a result, there is no scientific answer on a key question of Marxism discussion why capitalism as a system of public mastery is still alive. Finish of crisis of neo-Marxist’s research program presumes presence of positivist’s finding in neo-Marxist’s research and applying of theory of complexity for efficient cognition of complicated system of capitalist’s reproduction. Complexity theory deconstruction of neo-Marxist’s concept of capitalism is realised in three main routes, such as theory of ideology, global order and revolution. There are three author’s conceptions overcoming current neo-Marxist’s problems are among results of present research. They are the conception of capitalist’s ideological minimalism, conception political support of global capitalism and the conception of ecological destruction of capitalism. Complexity theory deconstruction brings neo-Marxism back to scientific detection of objective factors of capitalist’s transformation within the framework of classical Marxist’s tradition but on the level of new theoretical and empiric determination.

Author Biography

Vadzim S. Mikhailouski, Belarusian State University, 4 Niezaliežnasci Avenue, Minsk 220030, Belarus

PhD (political science), docent; head of the department of public administration, law faculty


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Keywords: theory of complexity, neo-Marxism, ideology, global order, revolution
How to Cite
Mikhailouski, V. S. (2022). Neo-Marxist’s age-old experience: results and prospects of neo-Marxist’s capitalism theory. Journal of the Belarusian State University. Sociology, 3, 65-71.