Formation and development of the noospheric vector in the educational paradigm of the 21st century

  • Oleg P. Punchenko Odessa State Academy of Technical Regulation and Quality, 15 Kuznechnaya Street, Odessa 65020, Ukraine
  • Pavel A. Vodopianov Belarusian State Technological University, 13a Sviardlova Street, Minsk 220006, Belarus


The noospheric vector in the development of the modern education system is investigated. Its deterministic basic components are described, the key among which is the informatisation of education through the introduction of intelligent information technologies. The expediency of ensuring the humanisation and humanitarisation of education as necessary conditions for preserving the unity of the scientific knowledge system is analysed. The influence of innovations on the learning process is shown. Special attention is paid to the noosphere-information paradigm of education, which is a complex of scientific, technical and socio-ideological innovations involving the use of intelligent information technologies in education. The necessity of approving the ideas of the new Enlightenment aimed at achieving a secure future is substantiated.

Author Biographies

Oleg P. Punchenko, Odessa State Academy of Technical Regulation and Quality, 15 Kuznechnaya Street, Odessa 65020, Ukraine

doctor of science (philosophy), full professor; professor at the department of standartisation, conformity and educational measurement


Pavel A. Vodopianov, Belarusian State Technological University, 13a Sviardlova Street, Minsk 220006, Belarus

doctor of science (philosophy), corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, full professor; professor at the department of philosophy and law, faculty of organic substances technology



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Keywords: education, informatisation, humanitarisation, humanity, innovation
How to Cite
Punchenko, O. P., & Vodopianov, P. A. (2024). Formation and development of the noospheric vector in the educational paradigm of the 21st century. Journal of the Belarusian State University. Sociology, 1, 51-56. Retrieved from