The systematization of law and legislation of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the question of the correction of the Third Statute of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania on the dietines of the Novogorodok voivodship in 1587–1632

  • Andrei A. Radaman independent researcher, 3-2 Niakrasava Lane, Minsk 220040, Belarus


This paper tells that the county gentry assemblies (dietines, Belarus. sojmiki or Pol. sejmiki) of the Novogorodok and Slonim districts of the Novogorodok Voivodship of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania have repeatedly used the right of legislative initiative. In Interregnum 1587, the Novogorodok sojmik (pre-diet dietine) initiated the amendments to a number of articles of the draft Third Statute of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, which determined what should be called the insulting of the Royal Majesty’s, the legal responsibility for its commission and the procedure for judicial review of such cases (art. 2–5 of chap-
ter I).This could affect not only their final wording, but also the development and adoption of art. 2 of the Diet’s Constitutions of the Coronation Diet (Belarus. sojm, sjem or sejm, Pol. sejm) of 1588. In 1601 and 1607, the Novogorodok sojmik initiated the adoption of Diet’s constitutions, which amended the text of art. 46 of chapter IV of the Third Statute of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania 1588. Which, in its turn, determined the dates of the sessions of Novogorodok District’s Land Court. In 1607 at the regional level through the reception of the Crown Law Slonim Sejmik made adjustments to the text of art. 104 of chapter IV of the Third Statute of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, which determined the number of general bailiffs (Belarus. vozny general)
and their duties. The representatives of the Novogorodok politically-active nobility protestant activists such as Calvinists Andrei Kharitonovich Obrinsky, the grand notary of Lithuania in 1574–1589 and Esif Holovnya, the Novogorodok District’s land judge in 1580–1598, and as well as antitrinitarian Vasil Zenkovich-Tikhinsky, the leader of the nobility (Belarus. marshalak) of Novogorodok District in 1588–1613 and the Novogorodok District’s land judge in 1598–1613 had been taking an active part in the work on the systematization of the law of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania not only at the sejmiks, but also at the Congresses of Estates of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, at the Commonwealth Diets and in commissions that were set up in the Diets with a goal to correct and systematize the domestic legislation.


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Keywords: systematization of legislation, legal system, codification, Statute of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania 1588, county gentry assemblies, sojmiki, dietines instructions
How to Cite
Radaman A. A. The systematization of law and legislation of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the question of the correction of the Third Statute of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania on the dietines of the Novogorodok voivodship in 1587–1632 // Journal of the Belarusian State University. History. 2018. 2. PP. 21-31.