Features of the treatise Michalon Lytvyn «About morals of Tatars, Lithuanians and Muscvityan» as a source for the history of the foreign policy of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the end XV – the middle of the XVI century

  • Liudmila V. Mikalayeva Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, 6 P. Broŭki Street, Minsk 220013, Belarus


The main idea of the article is to characterize of the possibility of the use the content of treatise Michalon Lytvyn «About morals of Tatars, Lithuanians and Muscvityan» in the study of foreign policy problems. General scientific (analytical, synthetic, logical), historical (historical-comparative), source study (historical-critical) methods are used as a methodological base of research. The scientific debate on the possible author of the treatise, which appeared under the pseudonym Michalon Lytvyn, is analyzed in the article. The opinion of J. Ohman’ski about Ventseslav Nikolayevich, as the most probable author of the work is supported. The analysis of the contents of the ten remaining parts of the treatise is given, in terms of the ability to use its data to study the history of foreign policy of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania at the end of the XV – middle XVI century. It is argued that the text of the treatise contains a number of unique messages, which are not found in other sources. Also, the attention is drawn to the historical information of relations between the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Moscow Grand Duchy.

Author Biography

Liudmila V. Mikalayeva, Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, 6 P. Broŭki Street, Minsk 220013, Belarus

PhD (history), docent; head of the department of humanities


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Keywords: sources, foreign policy, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Michalon Lytvyn
How to Cite
Mikalayeva L. V. Features of the treatise Michalon Lytvyn «About morals of Tatars, Lithuanians and Muscvityan» as a source for the history of the foreign policy of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the end XV – the middle of the XVI century // Journal of the Belarusian State University. History. 2017. 1. PP. 104-108.