«Nomenclature embryo»: the birth of the Soviet nomenclature system in SSRB – BSSR (1920–1924)


The article considers the process of origin in 1920–1924 of the nomenclature system in the Soviet Belarus as an immanent phenomenon of the Soviet model of modernization of society with its inherent monopolization of power of the monopolistically ruling Communist party. These issues are considered in more detail in relation to public authorities and management, where the nomenclature principle of substitution of elections by appointment is most clearly implemented. The party nomenclature, on the one hand, was a logical product of this model; on the other hand, it allowed it not only to persist for a long time, but also to solve both strategic and tactical development tasks with varying degrees of efficiency. The author comes to the conclusion that by the end of 1924, all the basic prerequisites for the organizational design of the classical Soviet nomenclature system were created. Firstly, during this period, the principle of monopoly of the Bolshevik party in determining the personnel composition of state authorities and management, including the occupation of elected positions, was consolidated. Secondly, a system of accounting and distribution bodies for all party cadres is being formed and this mechanism is actually being extended to all power structures. Third, a list of positions is being formed that, from the point of view of the highest party and Soviet leadership, enable it to manage and control all spheres of societyʼs life in its movement towards the socialist ideal.

Author Biography

Sergey A. Elizarov, Sukhoi State Technical University of Gomel, 48 Kastryčnika Avenue, Homieĺ 246746, Belarus

doctor of science (history), full professor; рrofessor at the department of social-humanitarian and legal disciplines, economics and humanities faculty


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Keywords: Soviet Belarus, nomenclature, Сommunist party, party committees, government and management bodies, personnel policy, party accounting, distribution work
How to Cite
Elizarov S. A. «Nomenclature embryo»: the birth of the Soviet nomenclature system in SSRB – BSSR (1920–1924) // Journal of the Belarusian State University. History. 2020. 3. PP. 34-43.