The role of archaeological research in the study of the penetration of Christianity into Uzbekistan

  • Bobir V. Eshkuvatov National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, 4 Universitetskaya Street, Tashkent 100174, Uzbekistan


It is noted that the Sogdian culture has almost two centuries of history, but many of its subjects remain poorly understood, for example, the spread of Christianity among the local population. The issues of the emergence and spread of Christianity in Uzbekistan are highlighted. It is emphasised that the penetration of Christianity into this region is associated with the name of the Apostle Thomas. The article describes the influence of Christians on the development of historical and cultural processes in Central Asia, the establishment of political, religious and socio-cultural ties between the local population and the inhabitants of the Middle East and Near East. The archaeological sites of Uzbekistan, testifying to the emergence of Christianity in Central Asian society, are being investigated. The role of written sources and archaeological finds confirming the prevalence of Christianity in Samarkand, Khorezm, and Tashkent is analysed. Based on the conducted archaeological research, the interaction of Christian and Sogdian cultures and the formation of a new syncretic culture are shown.

Author Biography

Bobir V. Eshkuvatov, National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, 4 Universitetskaya Street, Tashkent 100174, Uzbekistan

PhD (history); senior lecturer at the department of world history, faculty of history


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Keywords: Christianity in Central Asia, early Christian communities in Uzbekistan, Christian metropolis in Samarkand, Sogdian culture, Sufi settlement, Afrasiab settlement, Christian monuments of Khorezm
How to Cite
Eshkuvatov B. V. The role of archaeological research in the study of the penetration of Christianity into Uzbekistan // Journal of the Belarusian State University. History. 2024. 2. PP. 58-67.