Reconstruction of the unrealised communicative intention of the speaker by the interlocutor

  • Volha U. Marchanka Minsk State Linguistic University, 21 Zacharava Street, Minsk 220034, Belarus


The article deals with the possibility of interpretation of the communicative intention in a situation of refusal to realise the communicative intention. The author reveals four grounds that make it possible to reconstruct the communicative intention (partial verbalisation of the communicative intention, context, speaker’s non-verbal behaviour and presence of common communicative presupposition among interlocutors). It is shown that the construction of the interpretative hypothesis by the interlocutor can be based on a single ground, as well as on several ones. It has been established that the correlation between the degree of verbalisation of the communicative intention and the possibility of its decoding is not unambiguous due to structural and semantic features of the verbalised fragment of the communicative intention. It is found that the interlocutor has the possibility to construct an interpretive hypothesis also in situations where the addressee of the message decides to not realise the communicative intention without having yet started its verbalisation.

Author Biography

Volha U. Marchanka, Minsk State Linguistic University, 21 Zacharava Street, Minsk 220034, Belarus

postgraduate student at the department of general linguistics


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Keywords: communicative intention, hearer, speaker, interpretative hypothesis, refusal, communicative situation
How to Cite
Marchanka V. U. Reconstruction of the unrealised communicative intention of the speaker by the interlocutor // Journal of the Belarusian State University. Philology. 2023. 2. PP. 84-91.